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Boy Scout Troop 175
(Port Murray, New Jersey)
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Patrol Spirit

Patrol spirit is that element that gets zip and go into everything the Patrol sets out to do. It's Patrol spirit that puts fun and fellowship into Patrol meetings, real meaning into the life of the Patrol. It's Patrol spirit that makes it seem worthwhile for a fellow to sacrifice some of his own comforts for the good of the whole Patrol . . . that makes discipline a simple matter because each fellow wants to do what's right . . . that makes every boy feel the fineness of standing together through thick and thin, rain or shine.  With Patrol spirit a Patrol becomes strong and permanent.
- Robert Baden Powell, Founder of Boy Scouts

The Ha-t 'ej Patrol is a membership from all previous Scouts who were long-term members of Troop 175.  The word Ha-t 'ej, (pronounced Ha te ya), is a Miwok Indian Tribe word that means to "make tracks."  Our alumni scouts have all gone out in different directions to make their own tracks in our communities and the world.

The Chief Black Bull Patrol represents our scouts who have reached the rank of Life or Eagle.  This group of scouts provide leadership to the younger scouts.  This patrol helps ensure that all scouts have a positive experience in all activities in which the Troop participates.  All scout in this patrol have completed BSA Youth Leadership Training.

The Sasquatch Patrol are scouts that have been seen in the woods.  These scouts are never elusive when it comes to developing thier leadership skills and  learning to work together as they prepare themselves to reach the next rank of scouting.  They support newer scouts in learning about the troop and in developing the basic skills needed to attain the ranks of Scout and Tenderfoot.


The Lemon Sharks Patrol are scouts who sink their teeth into the values of being a boy scout.  This patrol never allows the chance to develop thier leadership skills to float by them. They work together to prepare themselves to reach the next rank of scouting.  They support newer scouts in learning about the troop and in developing the basic skills needed to attain the ranks of Scout and Tenderfoot.

The Pink Flamingo Patrol consists of our dedicated adult leaders who enjoy challenging the scouts and working with each of them to accomplish their advancements. All the leaders have attended specialized BSA Leadership Training.